How do you break up with someone? Where can you find great guys/girls to date? Why do people always break up with me? I have the answers to these as well as many other dating questions so do your best to stump me and ask away.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Really; We're using pickup lines now!!!

Since when did pickup lines become popular again because lately I've been getting them constantly. Instead of calling these idiotic one liners guys throw at us pickup lines, they should be called "I'm a loser who's desperate and has no game" lines. A couple days ago some dorky looking guy sent me a message saying "you're hot and I'm having a bonfire, wanna make brats"? Um no, I mean HELLL NOOOO, does that answer your question! I should have said that, but I'm too nice so I just wrote back and said "find someone else". On top of having the nerve to send me the first message, he wrote back asking why all girls are mean. Here's a lesson for you guys out there, not all girls are mean, they just have standards and you probably don't come anywhere near meeting them. Or maybe your just too much of a b**** and need to learn how to deal with rejection like a man. Either way, quit using these stupid lines you found on "dating for insecure dummies" and actually ask a girl what her interests are or for the conceded girls, tell them how hot they are. Problem solved fellas.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No shirt, no time

What is it with guys standing in front of the mirror with their shirts off! It might have been hot for a second, but now it's everywhere and I'm so annoyed by it. It's not even all good looking guys that are in shape. I thought America was full of judgmental snotty people, but apparently we're not hard enough on some. I don't want to see an overweight man showing of his six pack of buds in a reflection of himself. Yuck! Here's a tip for you guys, your not so hot that I can look past that douche in the mirror you just snapped a pic of, put your clothes back on and leave it that way until someone tells you to take them off.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I know it's normal for people to repeat stories to the same person without realizing it, but it can get really annoying after awhile. My boyfriend can't remember shit so sometimes he tells me the same thing like five times while forgetting that he already told me four too many times. At first I felt rude telling him that he had already told me something, but now I want to hit him every time he tells me something for a second time. I don't know if I need to start writing down what he tells me so I can just give him a list of stories not to tell me or if I need to keep telling him I've already heard the story. Whatever I end up doing I need to do quickly or I'm gonna end up going postal on him for hearing a repeated story. To most people this probably sounds like something minor to be getting pissy about, but just to show you how crazy it can make you, I'll let you borrow him for a week or two and see who comes out sane. I bet it'll be him.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Physco Dillema

Am I missing something; I mean seriously, I think I read the book, "How To Get Rid of Your Physco Ex for Dummies" wrong. I don't think I've ever been so annoyed and creeped out about a guy in my life and I've been around some very special guys. I once had a guy tell me how he pleasures himself and grabbed my boob within minutes of meeting him and on numerous occasions I've had guys stalk me for months at a time, but somehow I have an ex that wins a gold medal in all the wrong categories. Ok, so I'll sum this weirdo up for you. I made a HUGE mistake by dating this guy I used to go to school with, (I don't think I even actually talked to this guy in school) but hadn't seen him in like at least ten years. Basically he found my on Mspace, we caught up online, I met up with him, (don't ever do that, no matter how much you want to) and we started dating like a week later. I still smack my head against the wall when I think about this guy because I don't know what the hell I was thinking. Wait a minute, I wasn't thinking. Duh!!!!

Anyway, I dated this guy for a couple months because for about a month in a half I was afraid to break up with him. I'm not normally so considerate of other peoples feelings, especially if it inconveniences me, but I really didn't want to add an ex committing suicide to my next book. It just didn't sound worthy of my time having to write something like that in. So eventually, I grew some bigger balls to end it with this guy and he still won't leave me alone. I can usually tolerate a guy calling for a few weeks after we break up hoping to get back together with me, but this guy went too far. To give you an idea of how far he took it, I just saw that he sent me a message on Facebook. I broke up with this guy a year ago and I'm still getting messages from him.

Since dating this guy, I've been with two other guys in which the last of those two I've been with for nine months. In the last message this idiot sent me he said, "u never gunna talk to me again hnu??",(yup, that's how he spells), let me think about that for a sec.... Um no, I mean hell no! I don't know how I can be any clearer to the moron; I've told him to leave me alone, I've said leave me alone because I'm with someone else, and I've repeatedly told him I don't want anything to do with him. Am I missing some key word that lets a phsyco know you don't want to see or hear from them again? Whatever this guys issue is, I'm so sick of it; and guys wonder why girls are such bitches. Let me fill you guys in on something, we're bitches because we have to deal with inferior dumb ass guys that you can't seem to get rid of for us. If you guys just took care of that survival of the fittest thing and wiped out all the weak, whiny little bastards than we wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of them clinging to our hips. Grow a pair guys and start kickin the shit out of these losers so us girls don't have to waist our time finding out how pathetic they are and can move you to the front of the line.